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Brew Your Own Summer Haze NEIPA

Brew Your Own Summer Haze NEIPA

If you're a fan of juicy, hazy IPAs, then Summer Haze is a must-brew. This NEIPA is inspired by Burgeon Beer Company's Juice Press, a staple in the Johnson household and a prime example of the style. Known for its lush, tropical fruit flavors and creamy mouthfeel, Summer Haze is the perfect companion for warm summer days. Here's how you can brew this delicious beer at home.


  • Fermentables:
    • 8.25 lbs Pale US 2 Row
    • 3 lbs Wheat Malt
    • 2 lbs Carafoam
    • 0.4 lbs Acidulated Malt
  • Hop Additions:
    • Whirlpool: 1.75 oz Citra (12.7% AA)
    • Dry Hop #1: 4 oz Citra (12.8% AA), 2 oz Mosaic (10% AA)
    • Dry Hop #2: 2 oz Nelson Sauvin (12.8% AA)
  • Yeast:
    • Imperial Juice Ale Yeast A38 (200 billion cells)
  • Additives:
    • ½ tsp White Labs Yeast Nutrient (½ tsp/gal Biotin)

Brewing Process:

  1. Mash: Mash the grains at 153°F for 60 minutes. This temperature will give you a nice balance of fermentable and unfermentable sugars, contributing to the beer's smooth, full body.

  2. Sparging: Sparge with 4.1 gallons of water at 168°F to extract the remaining sugars from the grains.

  3. Boil: Boil the wort for 60 minutes. At the end of the boil, perform a whirlpool and add the 1.75 oz of Citra hops. Allow the hops to steep for 20 minutes while the wort cools.

  4. Fermentation: Cool the wort to 67°F and pitch the yeast. Ferment at 67°F for 2 weeks, adding the first dry hop addition (Citra and Mosaic) on day 4 of fermentation. Add the second dry hop addition (Nelson Sauvin) once fermentation is nearly complete.

  5. Dry Hopping: After adding the second dry hop addition, allow the beer to condition for 6 days before packaging.

  6. Packaging: Bottle or keg your Summer Haze NEIPA and let it carbonate. The beer is best enjoyed fresh, so don't wait too long to start sipping!

Tips for Success:

  • Whirlpooling: To maximize the hop aroma and flavor without adding bitterness, be gentle during the whirlpool. Avoid splashing the wort to prevent oxidation.
  • Fermentation Temperature: Maintaining a steady fermentation temperature of 67°F is crucial to keep the yeast happy and the flavors clean.

With Summer Haze, you’ll enjoy a New England IPA that’s bursting with juicy flavors and a soft, hazy appearance—perfect for the summer season. Start brewing now, and you’ll have this refreshing beer ready just in time for those warm, sunny days. Cheers!

Next article Brewer's Tip of the Month: Perfecting Your Mash Temperature