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A jug of traditional style mead alongside the ingredients to make it, honey comb and water. The captions reads "How to make Traditional Mead".

How to Make Traditional Mead

Traditional mead, often referred to as the "drink of the gods," is the purest form of mead made from just honey, water, and yeast. Its simplicity allows the flavors of the honey to shine through, making it a favorite among mead enthusiasts.


  • Ingredients:
    • 3 lbs of honey
    • 1 gallon of water
    • 1 packet of wine yeast (Lalvin D-47 or EC-1118)
    • Yeast nutrient (optional)


  1. Sanitize Equipment: Clean all equipment thoroughly to prevent contamination.
  2. Mix Honey and Water: In a sanitized fermenter, mix the honey with warm water until fully dissolved.
  3. Add Yeast Nutrient: If using, add yeast nutrient according to the package instructions.
  4. Pitch Yeast: Rehydrate the yeast in warm water for 15 minutes and then add it to the fermenter.
  5. Fermentation: Seal the fermenter with an airlock and store it in a dark, cool place (65-75°F) for about 4-6 weeks.
  6. Rack the Mead: Once fermentation slows down, siphon the mead into a clean secondary fermenter, leaving the sediment behind.
  7. Aging: Let the mead age for at least 3 months, but longer aging (6-12 months) can improve flavor.
  8. Bottling: Sanitize bottles and siphon the mead into them. Seal and store in a cool, dark place.

Additional Information

Traditional mead dates back thousands of years and was enjoyed by ancient cultures worldwide. It's often mentioned in mythology and folklore as a magical, life-giving beverage.

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