Admiral Pellet Hops, revered for their distinct characteristics, originate from the United Kingdom and stand as a testament to British hop excellen...
View full detailsEmbark on a brewing adventure with Apollo Hops, a varietal known for its distinctive profile that brings bold aromas and intense flavors to your be...
View full detailsStep into the world of brewing brilliance with Aurora Hops, a captivating hop variety known for its radiant aroma, dynamic flavor profile, and vers...
View full detailsElevate your brewing creations with Cashmere Hops, a versatile dual-purpose hop variety developed by Washington State University and released in 20...
View full detailsCitra hops are the virtuosos of the hop world, creating a symphony of citrus notes that dance across your palate with each sip. Revered by brewers ...
View full detailsHigh Alpha Bittering Hop for Balanced Bitterness and Subtle Aroma Magnum T90 hops pellets are a popular choice among brewers for their high alpha a...
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Nelson Sauvin™ hops, originating from New Zealand, are renowned for their distinctive and captivating characteristics. Named after the Sauvignon Bl...
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